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井上 猛、内田由寛、館 千歌:不安・恐怖のセロトニン仮説.精神医学の基盤 No5. 精神医学における仮説の形成と検証(大森哲郎責任編集)、 pp166-174、学樹書院、東京、2021.
井上 猛、大塚綾乃:不安症、強迫症、心的外傷後ストレス障害の治療.専門医のための臨床精神神経薬理学テキスト(日本臨床精神神経薬理学会専門医制度委員会編集). pp311-320、星和書店、東京、2021


井上 猛東山 幹林田泰斗、大塚綾乃:不安症、強迫症、心的外傷後ストレス障害の治療ガイドライン. 調剤と情報 27: 104-110, 2021.


本屋敷美奈,杉原亜由子,永井仁美,高山佳洋,森定一稔, 柴田敏之,森脇俊,笹井康典,田中英夫  大阪府における自殺未遂者相談支援事業の評価 保健医療科学 2021 Vol.70 No.2 p.174-185  doi.org/10.20683/jniph.70.2_174
Sasaki Y, Honyashiki M, Kinoshita T, Matsui A, Nakashoji A, Inagawa T, Ikezawa S, Yoshimura N, Yamamura R, Amano M, Tomo Y, Tachimori H, Matsuoka YJ, Okubo R. Perilla Oil and Bifidobacterium for Alleviating Fear of Cancer Recurrence in Breast Cancer Survivors: Study Protocol for a Three-Arm Phase II Randomized Con-trolled Study (POB Study). Methods Protoc. 2021 Jul 6;4(3):46. doi: 10.3390/mps4030046
Toyoshima K, Inoue T, Masuya J, Fujimura Y, Higashi S, Kusumi I: Affective tem-peraments moderate the effect of insomnia on depressive symptoms in adult commu-nity volunteers, J Affect Disord 282: 726-731,2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.12.138.
Morishita C, Kameyama R, Toda H, Masuya J, Fujimura Y, Higashi S, Kusumi I, *Inoue T: TEMPS‐A (short version) plays a supplementary role in the differen-tial diagnosis between major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Psychia-try Clin Neurosci. 75:166-171, 2021. DOI: 10.1111/pcn.13198
Hayashida T, Shimura A, Higashiyama M, Fujimura Y, Ono K, Inoue T: Psychosomatic stress responses and sleep disturbance mediate the effects of irregular mealtimes on presenteeism. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. 17:315-321, 2021.
Toyoshima K, Inoue T, Masuya J, Fujimura Y, Higashi S, Kusumi I: Affective tem-peraments and functional disability modulate depressive symptoms in adulthood. J. Affect. Disord. Rep. 4: 100108, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadr.2021.100108.
Toyoshima K, Inoue T, Kameyama R, Masuya J, Fujimura Y, Higashi S, Kusumi I: BIS/BAS as moderators in the relationship between stressful life events and de-pressive symptoms in adult community volunteers. J. Affect. Disord. Rep, 3:100050, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadr.2020.100050
Inoue T, Sano H, Kojima Y, *Yamada S, Shirakawa O. Real-world treatment patterns and adherence to oral medication among patients with bipolar disorders: a retro-spective, observational study using a healthcare claims database. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat.17: 821-833, 2021. DOI: 10.2147/NDT.S299005
Tamada Y, Inoue T, Sekine A, Toda H, Takeshima M, Sasaki M, Shindome K, Morita W, Kuyama N, Ohmae S. Identifying Subjective Symptoms Associated with Psychomotor Disturbance in Melancholia: A Multiple Regression Analysis Study. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 17:1105-1114, 2021. DOI:10.2147/NDT.S300233
Toyoshima K, Inoue T, Shimura A, Uchida Y, Masuya J, Fujimura Y, Higashi S, Kusumi I. Mediating roles of cognitive complaints on relationships between in-somnia, state anxiety, and presenteeism in Japanese adult workers. Int. J. Envi-ron. Res. Public Health 18(9):4516, 2021. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18094516
Toyoshima K, Ichiki M, Inoue T, Masuya J, Fujimura Y, Higashi S, Kusumi I. The Role of cognitive complaints in the relationship between trait anxiety, depres-sive symptoms, afnd subjective well-being and ill-being in adult community vol-unteers. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 17:1299-1309, 2021. DOI: 10.2147/NDT.S303751
Toyoshima K, Inoue T, Shimura A, Uchida Y, Masuya J, Fujimura Y, Higashi S, Kusumi I. The mediating effects of perceived cognitive disturbances on reported sleep disturbance, presenteeism, and functional disability in Japanese adult workers. J Affect Disord Rep 5:100180, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadr.2021.100180
Nakazawa H, Masuya J, Tanabe H, Kusumi I, Inoue T, Ichiki M: Interpersonal sen-sitivity mediates the effects of childhood maltreatment on the evaluation of life events and anxiety states in adult community volunteers. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 17:2757-2766, 2021. DOI: 10.2147/NDT.S310010
Shimura A, Yokoi K, Ishibashi Y, Akatsuka Y, Inoue T: Remote work decreases psy-chological and physical stress responses, but full-remote work increases presen-teeism. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.730969