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井上 猛林田泰斗:うつ病. 研修医のための精神科ハンドブック(日本精神神経学会医師臨床研修制度に関する検討委員会編集).  pp45-47、医学書院、東京、2020.
井上 猛:不安障害に投与する薬. 精神科薬物療法に再チャレンジ:豊富な症例と具体的な解説で学ぶ処方の実際(日本臨床精神神経薬理学会監修、寺尾 岳編集).  pp85-106、星和書店、東京、2020.


井上 猛、大塚綾乃、桝屋二郎:不安症の影響を考慮したアプローチ. 医学のあゆみ 272: 401-403, 2020.
井上 猛林田泰斗東山 幹:Vortioxetineの基礎: 新たな薬理作用、作用機序、薬物動態.臨床精神薬理23:1091-1096, 2020.
井上 猛東山 幹、大塚綾乃:不安・恐怖の神経科学的機序とSSRIの抗不安作用との関連. 精神科治療学 35(12):1299-1303, 2020.
井上 猛林田泰斗東山 幹:ボルチオキセチンの基礎.精神科 37(3):303-306, 2020.
清水栄司、井上 猛:新しいガイドライン総論. 特集 3/不安症治療の最新ガイドライン.精神科
林田泰斗井上 猛:パニック症の治療ガイドライン. 特集 3/不安症治療の最新ガイドライン.精神科
桝屋二郎:発達障害の二次的・三次的障害としての非行・犯罪 (特集 発達障害と二次障害) -- (二次障害・併存症を考える).そだちの科学.2020,35,26-31.
桝屋二郎:発達とトラウマの視点から 非行臨床を見つめなおす大切さ. 小児の精神と神経.2020, 60(2), 150-152
小平雅基,中土井芳弘,氏家 武,大重耕三,田中恭子,林みづ穂,福地成,八木淳子,桝屋二郎: 災害対策委員会セミナー 東日本大震災以後の災害における取り組みについて,児童青年精神医学とその近接領域.2020,61(5), 541-546.


田谷元、志村 哲祥、石橋由基、岬昇、井上 猛:ストレスチェックで測定される諸要因はプレゼンティズムと関連する. 精神医学 62(7):1037-1043, 2020.
Inoue T, Sasai K, Kitagawa T, Nishimura A, Inada I: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess the efficacy and safety of vortioxetine in japanese patients with major depressive disorder. Psychiatry and Clinical Neuro-sciences 74:140-148, 2020. DOI: 10.1111/pcn.12956.
Wakatsuki Y, Inoue T, Hashimoto N, Fujimura Y, Masuya J, Ichiki M, Tanabe H, Kusumi I: Influence of childhood maltreatment, adulthood stressful life events, and affective temperaments on premenstrual mental symptoms of nonclinical adult volunteers. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. 16: 1-10, 2020. DOI: 10.2147/NDT.S232925
Shimura A, Sugiura K, Inoue M, Misaki S, Tanimoto Y, Oshima A, Tanaka T, Yokoi K, Inoue T: Which sleep hygiene factors are important? Comprehensive assessment of lifestyle habits and job environment on sleep among office workers. Sleep Health 6(3):288-298, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.sleh.2020.02.001
Ichiki M, Masuya J, Inoue T: Current pharmacotherapy of mania in Japan. Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology and Therapeutics 11:9-14, 2020. DOI: 10.5234/cnpt.11.9
Toyoshima K, Inoue T, Shimura A, Masuya J, Ichiki M, Fujimura Y, Kusumi I: Asso-ciations between the depressive symptoms, subjective cognitive function, and presenteeism of Japanese adult workers: a cross-sectional survey study. BioPsy-choSocial Med 14: 10, 2020. DOI: 10.1186/s13030-020-00183-x
Morishita C, Kameyama R, Toda H, Masuya J, Ichiki M, Kusumi l, Inoue T: Utility of TEMPS-A in differentiation between major depressive disorder, bipolar I dis-order, and bipolar II disorder. PLoS ONE 15(5): e0232459, 2020. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232459
Toyoshima K, Inoue T, Masuya J, Fujimura Y, Higashi S, Kusumi I: Does subjective cognitive function mediate the effect of affective temperaments on functional disability in Japanese adults? Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. 16:1675-1684, 2020. DOI: 10.2147/NDT.S256647
Inoue T, Kimura T, Inagaki Y, Shirakawa O: Prevalence of comorbid anxiety disor-ders and their associated factors in patients with bipolar disorder or major de-pressive disorder. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. 16:1695-1704, 2020. DOI: 10.2147/NDT.S246294
Kato M, Hori H, Inoue T, Iga J, Iwata M, Inagaki T, Shinohara K, Imai H, Murata A, Mishima K, Tajika A: Discontinuation of antidepressants after remission with antidepressant medication in major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mol Psychiatry (online ahead of print) DOI: 10.1038/s41380-020-0843-0
Furuichi W, Shimura A, Miyama H, Seki T, Ono K, Masuya J, Inoue T: Effects of job stressors, stress response, and sleep disturbance on presenteeism in office workers. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. 15:1827-1833, 2020. https://doi.org/10.2147/NDT.S258508
Toyoshima K, Inoue T, Masuya J, Fujimura Y, Higashi S, Kusumi I: Associations among childhood parenting, affective temperaments, depressive symptoms, and cog-nitive complaints in adult community volunteers. J Affect Disord. 276: 361-368, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.07.107
Miyama H, Shimura A, Furuichi W, Seki T, Ono K, Masuya J, Odagiri Y, Inoue S, Inoue T: Association of chronotypes and sleep disturbance with perceived job stressors and stress response: a covariance structure analysis. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. 16:1997-2005, 2020. DOI: 10.2147/NDT.S262510
Sameshima H, Shimura A, Ono K, Masuya J, Ichiki M, Nakajima S, Odagiri Y, Inoue S, Inoue T: Combined effects of parenting in childhood and resilience on work stress in nonclinical adult workers from the community. Frontiers in Psychiatry 11:776, 2020. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00776
Seki T, Shimura A, Miyama H, Furuichi W, Ono K, Masuya J, Odagiri Y, Inoue S, and Inoue T: Influence of parenting quality and neuroticism on perceived job stressors and psychological and physical stress response in adult workers from the community. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. 16:2007-2015, 2020. DOI: 10.2147/NDT.S260624
Ichiki M, Masuya J, Inoue T: Treatment-resistant depression and clinical impli-cations of its association with comorbid anxiety disorders. Clinical Neuropsy-chopharmacology and Therapeutics 11:54-60, 2020. DOI: 10.5234/cnpt.11.54
Toyoshima K, Inoue T, Masuya J, Fujimura Y, Higashi S, Tanabe H, Kusumi I: Structural equation modeling approach to explore the influence of childhood mal-treatment in adults. PlosOne 15(10):e0239820 , 2020. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239820
Murakoshi A, Mitsui N, Masuya J, Fujimura Y, Higashi S, Kusumi I, Inoue T: Per-sonality traits mediate the association between perceived parental bonding and well-being in adult volunteers from the community. Biopsychosoc Med. 14:28, 2020. doi: 10.1186/s13030-020-00198-4.
Toyoshima K, Kako Y, Toyomaki A, Shimizu Y, Tanaka T, Nakagawa S, Inoue T, Mar-tinez-Aran A, Vieta E, Kusumi I: Associations between cognitive impairment and illness awareness in fully remitted bipolar outpatients: Psychiatry Res. 296: 113655,2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113655.
Estrada CA, Usami M, Satake N, Gregorio E Jr, Leynes C, Balderrama N, Fernandez de Leon J, Concepcion RA, Tuazon Timbalopez C, Tsujii N, Harada I, Masuya J, Ki-hara H, Kawahara K, Yoshimura Y, Hakoshima Y, Kobayashi J.Current situation and challenges for mental health focused on treatment and care in Japan and the Philippines - highlights of the training program by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine.BMC Proc. 2020 Aug 3;14(Suppl 11):11. doi: 10.1186/s12919-020-00194-0. eCollection 2020.
Oshima F, William M, Takahashi N, Tsuchiyagaito A, Kuwabara H, Shiina A, Seto M, Hongo M, Iwama Y, Hirano Y, Sutoh C, Taguchi K, Yoshida T, Kawasaki Y, Ozawa Y, Masuya J, Sato N, Nakamura S, Kuno M, Takahashi J, Ohtani T, Matsuzawa D, Inada N, Kuroda M, Ando M, Hori A, Nakagawa A, Shimizu E. Cognitive-behavioral family therapy as psychoeducation for adolescents with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders: Aware and Care for my Autistic Traits (ACAT) program study protocol for a pragmatic multisite randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2020 Sep 29;21(1):814. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-04750-z.
Ishibashi Y, Nishitani R, Shimura A, Takeuchi A, Touko M, Kato T, Chiba S, Ashidate K, Ishiwata N, Ichijo T, Sasabe M. Non-GABA sleep medications, su-vorexant as risk factors for falls: Case-control and case-crossover study. PLoS One15(9):e0238723, 2020. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238723.
Ishibashi Y, Shimura A. Association between work productivity and sleep health: A cross-sectional study in Japan. Sleep Health 6(3):270-276, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2020.02.016.