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Ikeda M, Takahashi A, Kamatani Y, Okahisa Y, Kunugi H, Mori N, Sasaki T, Ohmori T, Okamoto Y, Kawasaki H, Shimodera S, Kato T, Yoneda H, Yoshimura R, Iyo M, Matsuda K, Akiyama M, Ashikawa K, Kashiwase K, Tokunaga K, Kondo K, Saito T, Shimasaki A, Kawase K, Kitajima T, Matsuo K, Itokawa M, Someya T, Inada T, Hashimoto R, Inoue T, Akiyama K, Tanii H, Arai H, Kanba S, Ozaki N, Kusumi I, Yoshikawa T, Kubo M, *Iwata N, the advanced Collaborative Study of Mood Disorder (COSMO) team: A genome-wide association study identifies two novel susceptibility loci and trans population polygenicity associated with bipolar disorder. Mol Psychiatry 2017. doi: 10.1038/mp.2016.259. [Epub ahead of print]
Shimura A, Takaesu Y, Nakai Y, Murakoshi A, Ono Y, Matsumoto Y, Kusumi I, Inoue T: Childhood parental bonding affects adulthood trait anxiety through self-esteem. Compr Psychiatry 74: 15-20, 2017.
Ono K, Takaesu Y, Nakai Y, Shimura A, Ono Y, Murakoshi A, Matsumoto Y, Tanabe H, Kusumi I, Inoue T: Associations among depressive symptoms, childhood abuse, neuroticism, and adult stressful life events in the general adult population. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. 13:477-482, 2017.
Ono Y, Takaesu Y, Nakai Y, Ichiki M, Masuya J, Kusumi I, Inoue T: The influence of parental care and overprotection, neuroticism and adult stressful life events on depressive symptoms in the general adult population. J Affect Disord 217:66-72, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2017.03.058
Minami S, Satoyoshi H, Ide S, Inoue T, Yoshioka M, Minami M: Suppression of reward-induced dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens of animal models for depression: difference in responsiveness to drug treatment. Neuroscience Letters 650:72-76, 2017.
Matsui K, Takaesu Y, Inoue T, Inada K, Nishimura K: Effect of aripiprazole on non-24-hour sleep-wake rhythm disorder comorbid with major depressive disorder: a case report. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. 13:1367-1371, 2017.
Takaesu Y, Inoue Y, Ono K, Murakoshi A, Futenma K, Komada Y, Inoue T: Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders as predictors for bipolar disorder in patients with remitted mood disorders. J Affect Disord 220:57-61, 2017.
Mitsui N, Nakai Y, Inoue T, Udo N, Kitagawa K, Wakatsuki Y, Kameyama R, Toyomaki A, Ito YM, Kitaichi Y, Nakagawa S, Kusumi I: Association between suicide-related ideations and affective temperaments in the Japanese general adult population. PLoS One 12(6):e0179952, 2017.
Okubo R, Inoue T, Hashimoto N, Suzukawa A, Tanabe H, Oka M, Narita H, Ito K, Kako Y, Kusumi I: The mediator effect of personality traits on the relationship between childhood abuse and depressive symptoms in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res 257:126-131, 2017.
Matsuzaki H, Terao T, Inoue T, Takaesu Y, Ishii N, Takeshima M, Baba H, Honma H: Re-analysis of the association of temperature or sunshine with hyperthymic temperament using lithium levels of drinking water. J Affect Disord 223:126-129, 2017.
Otsuka A, Takaesu Y, Sato M, Masuya J, Ichiki M, Kusumi I, Inoue T: Interpersonal sensitivity mediates the effects of child abuse and affective temperaments on depressive symptoms in the general adult population. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. 13:2559-2568, 2017.
Ishii N, Terao T, Matsuzaki H, Inoue T, Takaesu Y, Kohno K, Takeshima M, Baba H, Honma H: Lithium in drinking water may be associated with depressive and irritable temperaments in nonclinical population. Clin Neuropsychopharmacol Ther 8:7-11, 2017. doi: 10.5234/cnpt.8.7
Takaesu Y, Inoue Y, Ono K, Murakoshi A, Futenma K, Komada Y, Inoue T: Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders predict shorter time to relapse of mood episodes in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder: a prospective 48-week study. J Clin Psychiatry 79(1):17m11565, 2018. [Epub ahead of print] doi: 10.4088/JCP.17m11565.
Matsuo K, Harada K, Fujita Y, Okamoto Y, Ota M, Narita H, Mwangi B, Gutierrez CA, Okada G, Takamura M, Yamagata H, Kusumi I, Kunugi H, Inoue T, C. Soares J, Yamawaki S, Watanabe Y: Distinctive neuroanatomical substrates for depression in bipolar disorder versus major depressive disorder. Cerebral Cortex [Epub ahead of print] doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhx319
Inoue T, Nishimura A, Sasai K, Kitagawa T: A randomized, 8-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of vortioxetine in Japanese adults with major depressive disorder, followed by a 52-week open-label extension trial. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences [Epub ahead of print] doi: 10.1111/pcn.12623
Toda H, Inoue T, Tanichi M, Saito T, Nakagawa S, Masuya J, Tanabe H, Yoshino A, Kusumi I: Affective Temperaments Play an Important Role in the Relationship between Child Abuse and the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Psychiatry Research (in press)
井上 猛、高江洲義和、桝屋二郎:双極Ⅰ型障害. 別冊日本臨床 精神医学症候群(第2版)pp460-462, 日本臨床社、東京、2017.
成瀬麻夕井上 猛、中川敦夫:双極性障害の家族支援.特集みんなが元気になれる家族支援.精神科臨床サービス17:52-57, 2017.
成瀬麻夕・堀内 聡・坂野雄二:Perceived Criticism Measure日本語版の信頼性と妥当性の検討 認知療法研究, 10 39-44. 2017.
成瀬麻夕・高江洲義和・井上 猛・青木俊太郎・坂野雄二:双極性障害と Perceived Criticism の関連 精神科診断学, 10, 44-54.2017.
井上 猛:非寛解うつ病に対して切替えか、併用か、増強か:薬理学的作用機序を証明することの重要性(特集:精神科薬物療法pros and cons).臨床精神薬理2017.
井上 猛:一般成人におけるストレスとパーソナリティの相互作用(特集ストレスとパーソナリティの相互作用がメンタルヘルスに及ぼす影響).ストレス科学32(1):8-17, 2017.
井上 猛小野泰之:双極性うつ病の薬物療法の現状. 精神科治療学32(9):1139-1146, 2017
井上 猛:精神科薬物療法の限界(特集オピニオン精神科医にとっての薬物療法の意味).精神医学59(2):132-134, 2017.
井上 猛、久我 敦、徳岡宏文:SNRIとうつ病に伴う痛み.臨床精神薬理20:1367-1377, 2017.
井上 猛小野泰之作田慶輔:双極性障害の新しい治療薬.精神科臨床サービス17:375-380, 2017.
井上 猛:うつ病発症の脆弱性とレジリアンス.  東京こころのクリニック17:170-176, 2017.
井上 猛:うつ病性障害「今日の治療指針2017年版」,(福井次矢、高木 誠、小室一成編)医学書院, 東京, 2017.
井上 猛、稲垣 芳文、木村 敏史、田辺 肇、白川 治、JET study investigator group:大うつ病エピソードを呈する気分障害患者における自殺関連事象の発現頻度とその関連因子の検討.臨床精神医学46(2):215-226, 2017.
志村 哲祥、高江洲 義和:【老年医学update 高齢者の睡眠障害】 老年医学update 高齢者の睡眠障害 高齢者不眠の病態と対応.日本老年医学会雑誌 54(3) 323-328, 2017.
志村 哲祥:その子の「困った」に睡眠の問題は隠れていませんか? パート1 学習編 日本学校保健研修社 2017.
志村 哲祥:その子の「困った」に睡眠の問題は隠れていませんか? パート2・3 実践編・実例編 日本学校保健研修社 2017.