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Iwao B, Yara M, Hara N, Yamanaka T, Nishihara H, Inoue T, Inazu M: Molecular identification and functional characterization of choline transporter in human brain microvascular endothelial cells. Neurochem. Int. 93:40-50, 2016.
Takaesu Y, Kishimoto T, Murakoshi A, Takahashi N, Inoue Y: Factors associated with discontinuation of aripiprazole treatment after switching from other antipsychotics in patients with chronic schizophrenia: A prospective observational study. Psychiatry Res. 71-74. 2016.
Takaesu Y, Inoue Y, Murakoshi A, Komada Y, Otsuka A, Futenma K, Inoue T: Prevalence of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders and associated factors in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder. PLoS One11(7):e0159578, 2016.
Takaesu Y, Ishikawa J, Komada Y, Murakoshi A, Futenma K, Nishida S, Inoue Y: Prevalence of and Factors Associated With Sleep-Related Eating Disorder in Psychiatric Outpatients Taking Hypnotics. J Clin Psychiatry. 892-898, 2016.
Takaesu Y, Tsuiki S, Kobayashi M, Komada Y, Nakayama H, Inoue Y: Mandibular Advancement Device as a Comparable Treatment to Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure for Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea. J Clin Sleep Med. 1113-1119.
Takita Y, Takaesu Y, Ono K, Futenma K, Shimura A, Murakoshi A, Komada Y, Inoue Y, Inoue T: Association between the high-dose use of benzodiazepines and rehospitalization in patients with schizophrenia: a 2-year naturalistic study. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat.12 :3243-3247, 2016.
Shimura A, Takaesu Y, Aritake S, Futenma K, Komada Y, Inoue Y: Later sleep schedule and depressive symptoms are associated with usage of multiple kinds of hypnotics. Sleep Med. 56-62, 2016.
Shimura A, Takaesu Y, Nakai Y, Murakoshi A, Ono A, Matsumoto Y, Kusumi I, Inoue T: Childhood parental bonding affects adulthood trait anxiety through self-esteem. Compr Psychiatry. 15-20. 2016.
Ono K, Takaesu Y, Nakai Y, Shimura A, Ono Y, Murakoshi A, Matsumoto Y, Tanabe H, Kusumi I, Inoue T: Associations among depressive symptoms, childhood abuse, neuroticism, and adult stressful life events in the general adult population. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. 2016.
Toda H, Inoue T, Tsunoda T, Nakai Y, Tanichi M, Tanaka T, Hashimoto N, Takaesu Y, Nakagawa S, Kitaichi Y, Boku S, Tanabe H, Nibuya M, Yoshino A, Kusumi I: Affective temperaments play an important role in the relationship between childhood abuse and depressive symptoms in major depressive disorder. Psychiatry Research 236: 142-147, 2016.
Komada Y, Takaesu Y, Matsui K, Nakamura M, Nishida S, Kanno M, Usui A, Inoue Y: Comparison of clinical features between primary and drug-induced sleep-related eating disorder. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 1275-1280. 2016.
Watanabe K, Harada E, Inoue T, Tanji Y, Kikuchi T: Perceptions and impact of bipolar disorder in Japan: results of an internet survey. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. 12:2981-2987, 2016.
Nakato Y, Inoue T, Nakagawa S, Kitaichi Y, Kameyama R, Wakatsuki Y, Kitagawa K, Omiya Y, Kusumi I: Confirmation of the factorial structure of the Japanese short version of the TEMPS-A in psychiatric patients and general adults. Neuropsychtr. Dis. Treat. 12:2173-9, 2016.
Kanai Y, Takaesu Y, Nakai Y, Ichiki M, Sato M, Matsumoto Y, Ishikawa J, Ono Y, Murakoshi A, Tanabe H, Kusumi I, Inoue T: The influence of childhood abuse, adult life events, and affective temperaments on the well-being of the general, non-clinical adult population. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. 12:823-832, 2016.
Chen C, Nakagawa S, Kitaichi Y, An Y, Omiya Y, Song N, Koga M, Kato A, Inoue T, Kusumi I: The role of medial prefrontal corticosterone and dopamine in the antidepressant-like effect of exercise. Psychoneuroendocrinology 69:1-9, 2016.
An Y, Chen C, Inoue T, Nakagawa S, Kitaichi Y, Wang C, Izumi T, Kusumi I: Mirtazapine exerts an anxiolytic-like effect through activation of the median raphe nucleus-dorsal hippocampal 5-HT pathway in contextual fear conditioning in rats. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry 70:17-23, 2016.
An Y, Inoue T, Kitaichi Y, Chen C, Nakagawa S, Wang C, Kusumi I: Combined treatment with subchronic lithium and acute intracerebral mirtazapine microinjection into the median raphe nucleus exerted an anxiolytic-like effect synergistically. Eur J Pharmacol 783:112-116, 2016.
井上 猛:難治性うつ病の病態と要因.エスシタロプラムのすべて(小山 司監修、樋口輝彦、平安良雄編集)、pp78-83、先端医学社、東京, 2016.
井上 猛高江洲義和松本恭典: うつ病の原因については、どのようなことが言われているのですか?うつ病発症に及ぼす多因子相互作用.Depression Frontier2うつ病臨床のこんな疑問に答えるー脳科学からのアプローチ(樋口輝彦監修.朝田 隆、内富庸介、熊野宏昭、野村総一郎、渡邉義文編集)、pp13-21、医薬ジャーナル社、東京、2016.
高江洲義和井上 猛:精神科救急救急ーせん妄の診断と治療.地域とつながる高齢者救急実践ガイド(行岡哲男監修、太田祥一、羽生春夫編集)、pp126-132、南山堂、東京、2016.
井上 猛高江洲義和佐藤光彦:うつ病の再発予防のための抗うつ薬維持療法の用量.臨床精神薬理 19(5): 605-611, 2016.
井上 猛高江洲義和石川 純: うつ病の治療法の基本.最新医学 65:1477-1482, 2016
高江洲義和市来真彦井上 猛:不眠、うつ病(XIII 糖尿病との関連が認められる疾患).日本臨床 74: 470-476, 2016.
井上 猛:遺伝、パーソナリティ、養育体験と成人期ストレスの相互関連.東京医科大学雑誌 74(3):238-246, 2016.
井上 猛高江洲義和小野泰之:双極性うつ病の診断と治療の現状と今後の展望.臨床精神薬理19:1534-1545, 2016.
志村哲祥高江洲義和、諸治隆嗣、井上 猛:ハンチントン病の運動機能障害がaripiprazole投与後約3年間改善した1症例.臨床精神薬理19:489-496, 2016.
中村 敬、井上 猛、近藤伸介、水野雅文(司会):これでいいのかうつ病治療:どうしたらいいよくならない抑うつ症状.精神科臨床サービス 16(1): 4-15, 2016.
井上 猛:うつ病の多様性:内因性うつ病再考(巻頭言). 最新精神医学21(3): 171, 2016.
井上 猛:定量的かつ実証的な全人的患者理解の試み(巻頭言). 心身医学56(5): 401-402, 2016.
井上 猛:うつ病の薬剤投与指針:躁の要素を持つうつ病では双極性うつ病・躁病に準じた治療がふさわしい(質疑応答プロからプロへ).日本医事新報 4812: 60-61, 2016.
成瀬麻夕、青木俊太郎、金澤潤一郎:「気になる子ども」の特徴をもつ一卵性双生児に対する支援の考察 北海道医療大学心理科学部心理臨床・発達支援センター研究: 12,2016
成瀬麻夕、川畑智子:日本の大学におけるハラスメント関連資料から見えた特徴――テキスト分析を用いたセクシュアル・ハラスメント事例の検討―― 現代社会学研究:29,43-61.2016.