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Takaesu Y, Futenma K, Kobayashi M, Komada Y, Tanaka N, Yamashina A, Inoue Y:A preliminary study on the relationships between diurnal melatonin secretion profile and sleep variables in patients emergently admitted to the coronary care unit. Chronobiol Int. (in press) |
Toda H, Inoue T, Tsunoda T et al. : The structural equation analysis of childhood abuse, adult stressful life events and temperaments in major depressive disorders and their influence on refractoriness. Neuropsych. Dis. Treat. (in press) |
Futenma K, Asaoka S, Takaesu Y, Komada Y, Ishikawa J, Murakoshi A, Nishida S, Inoue Y: Impact of hypnotics use on daytime function and factors associated with usage by female shift work nurses. Sleep Med 16:604-11, 2015 |
Inoue T, Inagaki Y, Kimura T, Shirakawa O: Prevalence and predictors of bipolar disorders in patients with a major depressive episode: the Japanese epidemiological trial with latest measure of bipolar disorder (JET-LMBP). J Affect Disord 174:535-541, 2015. |
An Y, Inoue T, Kitaichi Y et al.: Subchronic lithium treatment increases the anxiolytic-like effect of mirtazapine on the expression of contextual conditioned fear. Eur J Pharmacol 747:13-17, 2015. |
Inoue T, Kohno K, Baba H et al.: Does temperature or sunshine mediate the effect of latitude on affective temperaments? A study of 5 regions in Japan. J Affect Disord 172:141-145, 2015. |
市来真彦:病気になる前の状態に戻れるわけではない.疾患を有する患者と家族の健康を考える. 日本腎不全看護学会誌 17:28-36, 2015. |
高江洲義和、井上雄一:残遺する症状はどこまで回復するか.「残遺症状としての不眠」.精神科治療学 2015(印刷中). |
村越晶子、高江洲義和:治療抵抗性大うつ病エピソードに対するアリピプラゾール低用量補助療法の検討.臨床精神薬理 2015(印刷中) |
普天間国博、高江洲義和、井上雄一:睡眠障害の疫学.精神科26(1):22-27、2015 |
井上 猛:治療抵抗性うつ病の診断と危険因子.臨床精神薬理 (印刷中) |
北市雄士、井上 猛他:双極性うつ病に対するfluvoxamine, milnacipran, paroxetineの有用度について. 精神医学 57: 293-9, 2015. |