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論文名 雑誌名・巻・ページ・年 筆頭著者名 共著者名
Investigation of EGFR mutations in non-small cell lung cancer ususally undetectable by PCR methods Molecular and Clinical Oncology 16: 2049-9450, 2022 Matsubara T, Nakajima E, Namikawa H, Ono S, Takada I, Ohira T, Morishita Y, Miyazaki T, Furukawa K, Ikeda N
Training program of general thoracic surgery in Japan: Present status and future tasks J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 163(1): 353-358, 2022 Ikeda N, Asamura H*, Chida M*
Osimertinib in poor performance status patients with T790M-positive advanced non-small-cell lung cancer after progression of first- and second-generation EGFR-TKI treatments (NEJ032B) Int J Clin Oncol 27(1): 112-120, 2022 Tsubata Y*, Watanabe K*, Saito R*, Nakamura A*, Yoshioka H*, Morita M*, Honda R*, Kanaji N,* Ohizumi S*, Jingu D*, Nakagawa T*, Nakazawa K*, Mouri A*, Takeuchi S, Furuya N*, Akazawa Y*, Miura K*, Ichihara E*, Maemondo M*, Morita S*, Kobayashi K*, Isobe T*
Significance of very-low-voltage coagulation plus coverage with polyglycolic acid sheet after bullectomy for primary spontaneous pneumothorax Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Annals : 2184923211072595, 2022 Shigefuku S, Takahashi H, Ito M, Kajiwara N, Ohira T, Ikeda N.
The impact of COVID?19 on surgical procedures in Japan: analysis of data from the National Clinical Database Surgery Today 52(1): 22-35, 2022 Ikeda N, Yamamoto H*, Taketomi A*, Hibi T*, Ono M*, Niikura N*, Sugitani I*, Isozumi U*, Miyata H*, Nagano H*, Unno M* Kitagawa Y*, Mori M*
Predictive value of EGFR mutation in non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with platinum doublet postoperative chemotherapy. Cancer science 113(1): 287-296, 2022 Takahashi T, Sakai K, Kenmotsu H, Yoh K, Daga H, Ohira T, Ueno T, Aoki T, Hayashi H, Yamazaki K, Hosomi Y, Chen-Yoshikawa TF, Okumura N, Takiguchi Y, Sekine A, Haruki T, Yamamoto H, Sato Y, Akamatsu H, Seto T, Saeki S, Sugio K, Nishio M, Inokawa H, Yamamoto N, Nishio K, Tsuboi M
CD29 targeted near-infrared photoimmunotherapy (NIR-PIT) in the treatment of a pigmented melanoma model Oncoimmunology 11(1): 2019922, 2022 Aki Furusawa, Ryuhei Okada, Fuyuki Inagaki, Hiroaki Wakiyama, Takuya Kato, Hideyuki Furumoto, Hiroshi Fukushima, Shuhei Okuyama, Peter L Choyke, Hisataka Kobayashi
Correlation between smoking status and short-term outcome of thoracoscopic surgery for lung cancer Ann Thorac Surg 113(2): 459-465, 2022 Yamamichi T, Ichinose J*, Iwamoto N*, Omura K*, Ozawa H*, Kondo Y*, Hashimoto K*, Matsuura Y*, Nakao M*, Okumura S*, Mun M*
Effect of photodynamic therapy (PDT) on a rat model of bleomycin-induced interstitial pneumonia Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther 37: 102659, 2022 Saito Y, Imai K, Furumoto H, Kudo Y, Makino Y, Maehara S, Shimada Y, Ohtani K*, Hagiwara M, Kakihana M, Ohira T, Matsubayashi J, Ikeda N
ACTN4 gene amplification is a predictive biomarker for adjuvant chemotherapy with UFT in stage I lung adenocarcinomas Cancer Sci 113(3): 1002-1009, 2022 Noro R*, Honda K*, Nagashima K*, Motoi N*, Kunugi S*, Matsubayashi J, Takeuchi S, Shiraishi H*, Okano T*, Kashiro A*, Meng X*, Yoshida Y*, Watanabe S*, Usuda J*, Inoue T*, Wilber H*, Ikeda N, Seike M*, Gemma A*, Kubota K*
Surgery for thyroid cancer invading the trachea Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology 13(1): 184-190, 2022 Tsutsui H, Tamura A, Ito J, Ohara R, Hoshi M*, Kubota M*, Yano Y, Ikeda N
Artificial intelligence analysis of three-dimensional imaging data derives factors associated with postoperative recurrence in patients with radiologically solid-predominant small-sized lung cancers European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 61(4): 751-760, 2022 Kudo Y, Shimada Y, Matsubayashi J, Kitamura Y, Makino Y, Maehara S, Hagiwara M, Park J, Yamada T, Takeuchi S, Kakihana M, Nagao T, Ohira T, Masumoto J, Ikeda N.
Segmentectomy versus lobectomy in small-sized peripheral non-small-cell lung cancer (JCOG0802/WJOG4607L): a multicentre, open-label, phase 3, randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial Lancet 399(10335): 1607-1617, 2022 Saji H*, Okada M*, Tsuboi M*, Nakajima R*, Suzuki K*, Aokage K*, Aoki T*, Okami J*, Yoshino *, Ito H*, Okumura N*, Yamaguchi M*, Ikeda N, Wakabayashi M*, Nakamura K*, Fukuda H*, Nakamura S*, Mitsudomi T*, Watanabe SI*, Asamura H*; West Japan Oncology Group and Japan Clinical Oncology Group
EGFR-TKI 投与中に合併した大動脈弁狭窄症に対する体外循環下大動脈弁置換術および他の心血管疾患に対する積極的治療により70 か月の長期生存を得られたEGFR 遺伝子変異陽性肺腺癌の1 例 肺癌 62(2): 90-96, 2022 西條 天基, 田中 彰彦*,横山 泰孝*,内山 隆史*,天野  篤*,池田 徳彦
Complex segmentectomy for hypermetabolic clinical stage IA non-small cell lung cancer Ann Thorac Surg 113(4): 1317-1324, 2022 Handa Y*, Tsutani Y*, Mimae T*, Miyata Y*, Ito H*, Shimada Y, Nakayama H*, Ikeda N, Okada M*
Endoscopic applications of near-infrared photoimmunotherapy (NIR-PIT) in cancers of the digestive and respiratory tracts Biomedicines 10(4): 846, 2022 Furumoto H, Kato T, Wakiyama H, Furusawa A, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H.

日本レーザー医学会誌 43(1): 22-28, 2022 大谷 圭志*, 前原 幸夫,今井健太郎,荒井 恒憲*,小川恵美悠*,工藤 勇人,小野祥太郎,大平 達夫,松林 純,池田 徳彦
Low volume center での肺移植の取り組み 胸部外科 75(4): 302-305, 2022 千田 雅之, 梅田 翔太,有賀 健仁,矢崎 裕紀,今村 智美,真柄 和史,田村 元彦,井上  尚、荒木  修,中島 崇裕, 小林  哲,前田寿美子
Efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy with tegafur- uracil in patients with completely resected, node- negative NSCLC?real-world data in the era of molecularly targeted agents and immunotherapy JTO Clinical and Research Reports 3(5): 100320, 2022 Shukuya T*, Takamochi K*, Sakurai H*, Yoh K*, Hishida T*, Tsuboi M*, Goto Y*, Kudo Y, Ohde Y*, Okumura S*, Taguri M*, Kunitoh H*
Adjuvant chemotherapy for high-risk pathologic stage I non-small cell lung cancer Ann Thorac Surg 113(5): 1608-1616, 2022 Tsutani Y*, Imai K*, Ito H*, Miyata Y*, Ikeda N, Nakayama H*, Okada M*
Prognostic Implication of PD-L1 Expression on Osimertinib Treatment for EGFR-mutated Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Anticancer Res. 42(5): 2583-2590, 2022 Shiozawa T, Numata T, Tamura T, Endo T, Kaburagi T, Yamamoto Y, Yamada H, Kikuchi N, Saito K, Inagaki M, Kurishima K, Funayama Y, Miyazaki K, Koyama N, Furukawa K, Nakamura H, Kikuchi S, Ichimura H, Sato Y, Sekine I, Satoh H, Hizawa N
甲状腺穿刺吸引細胞診後の咽頭後間隙から後縦隔に至る血腫に起因する呼吸困難に対して緊急手術を要した1例 日本内分泌外科学会雑誌 39(2): 145-150, 2022 関  健太*, 宇留野 隆*,武内  寛*,中居 伴充*,山田 祐揮,前田 純一,星野 竜広*,横田 俊也*,池田 晋悟*,森田 茂樹*,池田 達彦*,辻  宗史*,太田 大介*
日本内分泌外科学会雑誌最優秀論文賞を受賞して 日本内分泌外科学会雑誌 39(2): 1, 2022 田村 温美
Myasthenia gravis that has developed long after radical resection of lung cancer: A case report EXP Ther Med. 24(3): 554, 2022 Okauchi S, Shioya A, Iguchi K, Furukawa K, Satoh H
Prognostic impact of artificial intelligence-based volumetric quantification of the solid part of the tumor in clinical stage 0-I adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer 170: 85-90, 2022 Kawaguchi Y, Shimada Y, Murakami K, Omori T, Kudo Y, Makino Y, Maehara S, Hagiwara M, Kakihana M, Yamada T, Park J, Matsubayashi J, Ohira T, Ikeda N
Prognostic role of preoperative carcinoembryonic antigen level in part-solid lung adenocarcinoma. Asian cardiovascular & thoracic annals 30(4): 457-467, 2022 Yamanashi K, Hamaji M, Murakami K, Shimada Y, Kayawake H, Yutaka Y, Kawaguchi Y, Kudo Y, Ikeda N, Date H
A multicenter study of complex segmentectomy versus wedge resection in clinical stage 0-IA non-small cell lung cancer Clin Lung Cancer 23(5): 393-401, 2022 Handa Y, Tsutani Y, Mimae T, Miyata Y, Shimada Y, Ito H, Nakayama H, Ikeda N, Okada M.
Oncological outcome of segmentectomy for early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer with invasive characteristics: a multicentre study European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery 62(2): , 2022 Kagimoto A, Tsutani Y, Shimada Y, Mimae T, Miyata Y, Ito H, Nakayama H, Ikeda N, Okada M
Selection of antibody and light exposure regimens alters therapeutic effects of EGFR-targeted near-infrared photoimmunotherapy Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII 71(8): 1877-1887, 2022 Okada R, Kato T, Furusawa A, Inagaki F, Wakiyama H, Fujimura D, Okuyama S, Furumoto H, Fukushima H, Choyke P L, Kobayashi H
Optimal light dose for hEGFR-targeted near-infrared photoimmunotherapy Cancers (Basel) 14(16): 4042, 2022 Furumoto H, Okada R, Kato T, Wakiyama H, Inagaki F, Fukushima H, Okuyama S, Furusawa A, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H.
Involvement of 27-hydroxycholesterol on the progression of non-small cell lung cancer via the estrogen receptor Am J Cancer Res 12(9): 4241-4253, 2022 Takada I, Miyazaki T, Goto Y, Kanzawa H, Matsubara T, Namikawa-Kanai H, Shigefuku S, Ono S, Nakajima E, Morishita Y, Honda A, Furukawa K, Ikeda N
Role of ground-glass opacity in pure invasive and lepidic component in pure solid lung adenocarcinoma for predicting aggressiveness JTCVS Open 11: 300-316, 2022 Mimae T, Miyata Y, Tsutani Y, Shimada Y, Ito H, Nakayama H, Ikeda N, Okada M.
Intercellular adhesion molecule-1-targeted near-infrared photoimmunotherapy of triple-negative breast cancer. Cancer Sci 113(9): 3180-3192, 2022 Fukushima H, Kato T, Furusawa A, Okada R, Wakiyama H, Furumoto H, Okuyama S, Kondo E, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H
Disialoganglioside GD2-targeted near-infrared photoimmunotherapy (NIR-PIT) in tumors of neuroectodermal origin Pharmaceutics 14(10): 2037, 2022 Inagaki FF, Kato T, Furusawa A, Okada R, Wakiyama H, Furumoto H, Okuyama S, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H
Impact of postoperative complications on the long-term outcome in lung cancer surgery Surg Today 52(9):1: 254-1261, 2022 Yamamichi T, Ichinose J, Omura K, Hashimoto K, Matsuura Y, Nakao M, Okumura S, Ikeda N, Mun M
Clinical impact of sarcopenia 1 year after surgery in patients with early-stage non-small cell lung cancer Ann Surg Oncol 29(11): 6922-6931, 2022 Ushitani Y, Shimada Y, Yamada Y, Kudo Y, Yamada T, Tanaka T, Ohira T, Ikeda N
ASO Author Reflections: Management to prevent postoperative sarcopenia in patients with lung cancer Ann Surg Oncol 29(11): 6932-6933, 2022 Ushitani Y, Shimada Y
ASO Visual Abstract: Clinical impact of sarcopenia 1 Year after surgery in patients with early-stage non-small cell lung cancer Ann Surg Oncol 29(11): 6934-6935, 2022 Ushitani Y, Shimada Y, Yamada Y, Kudo Y, Yamada T, Tanaka T, Ohira T, Ikeda N
The impact of COVID-19 on thoracic surgical procedures in Japan: Analysis of data from the National Clinical Database Lung Cancer 172: 127-135, 2022 Sato Y, Yamamoto H, Ikeda N, Konishi H, Endo S, Okada Y, Kondo H, Shintani Y, Toyooka S, Nakamura H, Hoshikawa Y, Chen-Yoshikawa TF, Yoshino I, Kakizoe T, Chida M
Comparison of the Effectiveness of IgG Antibody versus F(ab')2 Antibody Fragment in CTLA4-Targeted Near-Infrared Photoimmunotherapy Mol Pharm 19(10): 3600-3611, 2022 Kato T, Okada R, Furusawa A, Wakiyama H, Furumoto H, Fukushima H, Okuyama S, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H.
Impact of previous upper gastrointestinal cancer surgery on complications after lobectomy for lung cancer J Thorac Dis 4(10): 3811-3818, 2022 Yamamichi T, Ichinose J, Tamagawa S, Hashimoto K, Matsuura Y, Nakao M, Okumura S, Mun M
Treg-Dominant Tumor Microenvironment Is Responsible for Hyperprogressive Disease after PD-1 Blockade Therapy Cancer Immunol Res 10(11): 1386-1397, 2022 Wakiyama H, Kato T, Furusawa A, Okada R, Inagaki F, Furumoto H, Fukushima H, Okuyama S, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H
Selective depletion of polymorphonuclear myeloid derived suppressor cells in tumor beds with near infrared photoimmunotherapy enhances host immune response Oncoimmunology 11(1): 2152248, 2022 Kato T, Fukushima H, Furusawa A, Okada R, Wakiyama H, Furumoto H, Okuyama S, Takao S, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H
The impact of epidermal growth factor receptor mutation status on adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with high-risk stage I lung adenocarcinoma The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 164(5): 1306-1315.e4, 2022 Tsutani Y, Ito M, Shimada Y, Ito H, Ikeda N, Nakayama H, Okada M
ASO Visual Abstract: Radiomics with Artificial Intelligence for the Prediction of Early Recurrence in Patients with Clinical Stage IA Lung Cancer Ann Surg Oncol. 29(13): 8196-8197, 2022 Shimada Y, Kudo Y, Maehara S, Amemiya R, Masuno R, Park J, Ikeda N.
Radiomics with Artificial Intelligence for the Prediction of Early Recurrence in Patients with Clinical Stage IA Lung Cancer Ann Surg Oncol 29(13): 8185-8193, 2022 Shimada Y, Kudo Y, Maehara S, Amemiya R, Masuno R, Park J, Ikeda N
Opening up new VISTAs: V-domain immunoglobulin suppressor of T cell activation (VISTA) targeted near-infrared photoimmunotherapy (NIR-PIT) for enhancing host immunity against cancers Cancer Immunol Immunother 71(12): 2869-2879, 2022 Wakiyama H, Furusawa A, Okada R, Inagaki F, Kato T, Furumoto H, Fukushima H, Okuyama S, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H
Segmentectomy for clinically early-stage primary squamous cell carcinoma of the lung Thoracic cancer 13(24): 3477-3485, 2022 Kagimoto A, Tsutani Y, Shimada Y, Mimae T, Miyata Y, Ito H, Nakayama H, Ikeda N, Okada M
Nuclear microRNAs release paused Pol II via the DDX21-CDK9 complex. Cell reports 39(2): 110673-110673, 2022 Ohno S, Oikawa K, Tsurui T, Harada Y, Ono K, Tateishi M, Mirza A, Takanashi M, Kanekura K, Nagase K, Shimada Y, Kudo Y, Ikeda N, Ochiya T, Wang X, Kuroda M
FNAクラスIIIで手術を施行した甲状腺良性腫瘍の臨床病理学的検討 癌と化学療法 49(13): 2022-2024, 2022 輿石 晴也, 吉村 哲規,高橋佐和子,伊藤 光弘,蕨  雅大,加藤 弘之,田村 温美,筒井 英光,池田 徳彦