診療案内はこちら ⇒ 東京医科大学病院 放射線科 ホームページ
2020/05/18 当教室の糸永 知広先生、大久保 充先生の原著論文がpublishされました。
2020.05.18 10:17
投稿者 : 医局
当教室所属の糸永 知広先生から2題、大久保 充先生から1題の原著論文がpublishされました!
・糸永 知広先生
題名:Prognostic impact of solid tumor component diameter in early-stage non-small cell lung carcinoma treated with intensity-modulated fractionated radiotherapy: a retrospective analysis impact of solid tumor component diameter in NSCLC treated with IMRT
雑誌名:March 2020 British Journal of Radiology 93(1109):20191027
題名:Morphological changes of the thyroid gland as a new radiographic marker for lung cancer treatment efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors.
雑誌名:April 2020 Acta Radiologica
題名:Morphological changes of the thyroid gland as a new radiographic marker for lung cancer treatment efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors.
雑誌名:April 2020 Acta Radiologica
題名:Predictive factors for local control of early glottic squamous cell carcinomas after definitive radiotherapy
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